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Save the date for the next joint webinar

Save the date for the next joint webinar

Open challenges in digital health research - insights and experiences from three EU-funded projects Tuesday 11 February 2025 10:00 - 12:00 Save the date! On Tuesday 11 February 2025 (10h-12h CET), the Horizon 2020 funded projects...

RETENTION Project Second Newsletter

RETENTION Project Second Newsletter

Greetings, and welcome to the second edition of the RETENTION project newsletter! This issue will be dedicated to the effort of the project’s clinicians in implementing RETENTION innovative solutions designed to monitor patients with chronic Heart Failure, Heart...

RETENTION first Policy Engagement Workshop

RETENTION first Policy Engagement Workshop

The RETENTION project had its first Policy Engagement Workshop on the 26th of January 2023, led by the London School of Economics. The panel included Professor Christos Chizas - President of the National eHealth Authority of Cyprus, Dr David Sanchez Ortiz - Scientific...

RETENTION Project First Newsletter

RETENTION Project First Newsletter

The first RETENTION Project t newsletter is out today and it includes news about: + Project presentation + An interview with Maria Haritou - Research Director at ICCS institute of Communication and Computer Systems - National Technical University of Athens – and...

The Kick-off meeting of RETENTION Project

The Kick-off meeting of RETENTION Project

On Thursday 10 June 2021, the RETENTION Project Kick off took place. A digital meeting involving 14 partners from all over Europe who crowded the event. Greece, Italy, United Kingdom, Spain, Switzerland, Romania, Ireland: all gathered at the same 'digital' table to...


Retention Project
Retention Project7 months ago
RETENTION is dedicated to developing and implementing innovative technologies for advanced clinical monitoring and personalised interventions for chronic heart failure patients.

By combining continuous home monitoring with diverse medical, clinical, physiological, behavioral, psychosocial, and real-world data integration, the RETENTION system enhances clinical decision-making and provides individualized care.

On April 20, 2024, patient recruitment for the RETENTION project officially began.
To date, 57 patients, primarily men (70%), are participating in the project.

Our goal is to reach a larger number of patients, focusing on re-balancing the population involved in this innovative clinical protocol in terms of gender and specific conditions.

#ProjectRetention #health #HealthInnovation #QualityOfLife #HospitalRamonyCaja #HospitalPuertadeHierro #Recruitment #ClinicalStudy.
#PublicHealth #Collaboration #heart #heart #innovation
Retention Project
Retention Project8 months ago
¡Comienza en España el proyecto piloto RETENTION, un proyecto europeo que se va a llevar a cabo en Grecia, Italia, Alemania y España! 🇪🇸

El ensayo clínico RETENTION tiene como objetivo analizar si al introducir protocolos de manejo clínico basados en telemonitorización, se mejora el pronóstico en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca con disfunción ventricular izquierda, portadores de asistencia ventricular y receptores de trasplante cardíaco.

👇Mira el siguiente vídeo para saber más y ¡compártelo con quien pueda estar interesado!

📍En España el ensayo clínico se llevará a cabo en dos hospitales:
- Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal (https://www.comunidad.madrid/hospital/ramonycajal/)
- Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro (https://www.comunidad.madrid/hospital/puertadehierro/)

🔍 Conoce más sobre el proyecto ydescargar el folleto digital en español, haga clic en el siguiente enlace: https://www.retention-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/SPANISH-brochure-retention-21x297-.pdf

📢 ¡Únete a nosotros! Estamos al inicio del reclutamiento para este estudio.
Los criterios generales de inclusión son: pacientes entre 18-75 años y que no presenten deterioro cognitivo ni síntomas depresivos importantes.

#ProyectoRetention #salud #InnovaciónEnSalud #CalidadDeVida #HospitalRamonyCaja #HospitalPuertadeHierro #Reclutamiento #EstudioClínico
#SaludPública #Colaboración #corazón #innovación
Retention Project
Retention Project
Retention Project9 months ago
Exciting updates from the 6th plenary PCC Meeting of the Retention Project hosted by Sant’Orsola UNIBO held on May 22nd and 23rd! 🌟

Delving into two days of discussions and insights focused on enhancing heart failure patient management through continuous monitoring outside hospitals and leveraging real-world data.

From Project Management to Clinical Trials, our discussions covered a wide array of topics including data management, platform integration, personalized interventions, enabling technologies, and more.

💡Stay tuned for more insights as we continue to explore new horizons in heart failure patient care!

#HealthTech #RETENTIONProject #meeting #UNIBO #MedicalResearch #RealWorldData #InnovationInHealthcare #ResearchAdvancements

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
Comunidad de Madrid
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Biomedical Engineering Laboratory - NTUA
The London School of Economics and Political Science - LSE
Sphynx Technology Solutions
AEGIS Information Technologies
Retention Project
Retention Project9 months ago
🚀 Exciting News from the RETENTION Project! 🚀
We’re thrilled to announce the launch of a dedicated section on our project website featuring the latest scientific publications emerging from RETENTION action implementation!

Our Publications page is now enriched with in-depth analyses and case studies, providing valuable insights into the evolution of healthcare technology for heart failure management.
Explore the advancements RETENTION is making in AI-enabled tools for remote heart-failure patient monitoring and management.
Discover the importance of psychosocial and real-world data analysis in enhancing personalized interventions for patients with chronic heart failure, and so much more.

This is a treasure trove for professionals, researchers, and anyone eager to deepen their knowledge and practices in the field of heart health.

🔗 Dive into our new publications now: https://www.retention-project.eu/publications/

#HeartHealth #AIinHealthcare #RemoteMonitoring #HealthTech #ScientificResearch #ChronicIllnessManagement #RETENTIONProject
Retention Project
Retention Project9 months ago
For the International Nurses Day on May 12, we honor our nurses whose dedication and passion strengthen healthcare systems and provide essential support in medical settings.

👩‍⚕️🧑‍⚕️ Aligned with this year's theme, "Our Nurses. Our Future. The Economic Power of Care," we celebrate the critical role nurses play in global health.

We must never take the commitment and skills of nurses for granted. They are a crucial and irreplaceable pillar in our healthcare infrastructure and deserve our utmost respect and support.

❤️ A heartfelt thank you to all the nurses!

#Healthcare #nurses #innovation #RETENTION #power #patient #care #internationalnursesday #value #support
Retention Project
Retention Project9 months ago
The second retention newsletter is out!

In this issue, let’s talk about the effort of the project’s clinicians in implementing RETENTION innovative solutions designed to monitor patients with chronic Heart Failure, Heart Transplantation, or LVAD and provide potential interventions to improve their clinical management.

Read the full newsletter at the following link: https://www.retention-project.eu/2024/05/07/retention-project-second-newsletter/

Subscribe to the newsletter to stay up-to-date with all the news from the Retention project at the link: https://bit.ly/3xxYpqQ

#Healthcare #innovation #RETENTION #newsletter #information #care #patients #heart #management
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